ATRTs are very rare with about 8-10 cases per year in UK, mainly brain tumours, with spinal cord tumours even rarer about 1 per year. There is about 70% chance of a cure with a complete resection, otherwise outcome is universally poor. Joel’s diagnosis is vanishingly rare with only a handful of case diagnosed nationally every year.
One day a child will recover from this awful disease, sadly for us, that was not our Joel. We have decided to try to bring some hope to those children and families who find themselves going through the same ordeal. The Joel Prince Starlight Fund was set up as a Special named fund through the Children's Cancer and Leukaemia Group (Registered Charity number 1182637). CCLG will hold all donations and ring-fence the money for the ‘Joel Prince Starlight Fund’ of which 100% of the donations + Gift Aid made to Joel's fund will be directed to AT/RT research and clinical trials. These are desperately needed and this costs lots, we need over a million!